Chill dog's Website

About Us

Hi,my name is Chill Dog, and i'm just a chill little dog just riding my lil friend Sir.Horse, and we're traveling the world looking for news adventures.

In our road we have found a lot of things that maybe scare some people, but we are brave to face monsters and dangerous creatures

But not everything resumes in challenges and danger, we have had a lot of fun in our adventures, watching the marvelous landscapes during the road

Minha foto

What we found?

Creepy creatures

Big ad dangerous monsters.

marvelous landscapes

Woods and forests

What are we like?

We are very brave, nothing scares us.

Place Year Spent time What do we think about
Neo Zealand 1980 Twenty days That's alright
EUA 2002 Three months Oh great America
Brazil 2020 Two years We really loved

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